Automath - définition. Qu'est-ce que Automath
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est Automath - définition

AUTOMATH; Automath theorem prover

·noun One who is self-taught.
<language, mathematics> A very high level language for writing proofs, from Eindhoven, Netherlands. ["The Mathematical Language AUTOMATH, Its Usage and Some of its Extensions", N.G. deBruijn, in Symp on Automatic Demonstration, LNM 125, Springer 1970]. (2001-07-09)
Automath ("automating mathematics") is a formal language, devised by Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn starting in 1967, for expressing complete mathematical theories in such a way that an included automated proof checker can verify their correctness.



Automath ("automating mathematics") is a formal language, devised by Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn starting in 1967, for expressing complete mathematical theories in such a way that an included automated proof checker can verify their correctness.